ENAEA – Estonia

Estonian Non-Formal Adult Education Association (ENAEA) is the umbrella organisation for Estonian non-formal education providers and it`s membership consists of 60 organizations (NGOs).
ENAEA is a member of the European Association for the Education of Adults and the European Basic Skills Network, and participates in national and international projects.
The mission of the ENAEA is to raise awareness of non-formal education and lifelong learning in society and to support it`s members in creating the learning environment necessary for the development of civil society.
ENAEA`s competence areas are:
- Organisation of adult education on national and local level.
- Adult education policy.
- Training of trainers and folk high school leaders.
- Quality of adult education.
- Developing key competences.
Main activities:
- Work with members.
- Social partnership with state institution.
- Cooperation with different stakeholders.
- Project work.
The main objectives of the projects are to involve adults with lower levels of education and those who have abstained from learning earlier, and to develop the competence they need for their lives and work.
In this project ENAEA is the leading partner.
Ena Drenkhan: ena.drenkhan@vabaharidus.ee
ECQ – Bulgaria

European Center for Quality Ltd. (ECQ) is a modern consulting company founded in 2001 in Bulgaria. ECQ is specialized in two spheres.
- development and management of projects.
- development and implementation of international standards for quality managemen.
ECQ is a member of several networks and works in close cooperation with a number of foreign partners, among which are educational institutions and universities, qualification centers etc.
ECQ has developed skills in the field of mental health and wellbeing through implementation of the Well-School-Tech project (2016-1-LT01-KA201-023171).
Competences ECQ brings to the project:
- Rich experience in quality project management.
- Wide access to SMEs and diverse type of institutions.
- Experience in working on European level.
- Experts with rich experience and complementary education and skills.
Milena Goneva: mgoneva@ecq-bg.com
Vanya Neycheva: vnovakova@ecq-bg.com
ENOROS – Cyprus

ENOROS Consulting Ltd. was established in 2006 and has since been active in the field of Project Management in Cyprus and in the European area, providing comprehensive consulting services to the public and private sectors.
The company comprises of 3 directorates:
- Department for Public Sector Projects.
- Department for Private Sector Projects.
- Department for International and European Projects.
The company also cooperates with external experts in various thematic areas and has a wide network of local partners in the field of education and culture, youth and employment, justice and public order, human resource development, citizen protection, social innovation and entrepreneurship etc.
Services of ENOROS Consulting Ltd.:
- Designing mapping surveys and analysing gathered data.
- Dissemination and awareness campaigns.
- Evaluation and Quality Assurance studies and strategies.
- Preparation of Strategic Development Plans.
- Provision of administrative, social and psychological support services.
- Proposal elaboration and project management of EU co-funded projects.
- Development of operational Plans and Guides for the public sectors.
ENOROS objective is to provide specialized knowledge in planning, management and evaluation of development programs and projects, both at national and European levels.
Konstantinos Kloudas: info@enoros.com.cy
FRAME – Poland

Foundation for the Development of International and Educational Activity (FRAME) is a young foundation that was created in response to the observed changes in the socio-economic environment of Poland and Europe.
FRAME foundation undertakes the following activities:
- Development of international cooperation with a broadly understood social character.
- Integration and understanding of societies and cultures.
- Supporting European integration and strengthening attitudes focused on active cooperation in the development of civil society.
- Promoting scientific, educational as well as cultural activities.
- Participation in shaping modern didactic and methodological paths in education.
FRAME creates a new quality and synergic value of implementation of new solutions to the observed challenges.
Many of organisations` activities are based on close collaboration with stakeholders of the educational sector like for example ‘Regional Center of Teachers Development’, departments of Educational Science at key regional universities or associations of vocational advisors.
Knowing the needs and expectations of their target groups, they design and implement activities aimed at social and vocational activation and broadly understood promotion of the civil society.
FRAME aims to develop and promote international cooperation of local communities supporting education, professional activity and the wellbeing of citizens.
Marta Kędzia: fundacjaframe@wp.pl
PRISM – Italia

Promozione Internazionale Sicilia Mondo (PRISM) is a non- profit association evoking social, cultural and economic change in people themselves
PRISM supports the social, cultural and economic development of the territory in which it operates. It acts as a qualified development agent able to monitor and boost in the territory the development policies promoted by local and transnational bodies, in particular by the European Union through structural funds and direct funding programmes managed by the European Commission or its executive agencies.
The PRISM mission is about promoting development that is:
- Local, by promoting territorial identity and potential of endogenous resources.
- Based on an effective local governance and development of social capital.
- Sustainable, by meeting the needs of present generations without jeopardizing the ability of futures generations to meet their own needs.
Prism includes the following departments:
- Youth and international mobility.
- European cooperation.
Main objectives are:
- To promote nonviolent community development through participatory processes and bottom-up planning.
- To encourage cooperation and international mobility in the youth field.
- To support initiatives for European cooperation in lifelong learning, education and vocational training.
- To foster international cooperation activities in developing countries.
Simone Indovina: s.indovina@associazioneprism.eu

Promimpresa SRL is a private company which provides and promotes services for enterprises.
It`s services :
- Professional training.
- European Projects.
- Employment Agency.
- International Certification and Education.
Promimpresa offers training for employees working for private companies or local authorities. Its training offer is aimed at acquiring objectives and professionalization of skills through a specific teaching method.
The teaching methodology applied by Promimpresa is based on three elements:
- Interaction between trainers and trainees – learning systems based on words, images, direct experience, comparison and evaluation.
- Learning by doing.
- Constant involvement of students through the use of individual and group exercises in order to learn immediately what they are taught (analysis of case studies, conducting exercises and simulations acquire the skills needed to manage in a conscious and effective real work situations).
The mission of the company is to support their clients during their path of development, providing qualified assistance and monitoring of all activities. Promimpresa provides its services to SMEs, public entities, manufacturing and service companies operating in various fields.
The company is also accredited to conduct research activities in the National Research Institutions register recognized by the Ministry of Education, University and Research.
Jasmine Gatti: jasmine.gatti@promimpresa.it
Antonella Sgobbo: antonella.sgobbo@promimpresa.it