The Wellness2 – Learning/Teaching/Training Activity – Training for Trainers, have been hosted in Palermo (Italy) by PRISM Impresa Sociale s.r.l., from 11th to 15th of October 2021. Total 22 representatives of Wellness2 project partners from Estonia, Poland, Bulgaria, Cyprus, and Italy attended the event.

This Learning/Teaching/Training Activity (LTTA) is very important for the achievement of the project objectives because provided the participants with the competences needed to:

  • perform the pilot testing of the Training Methodology and Modules developed within IO2;
  • facilitate the future multiplier events;
  • transfer acquired knowledge and competencies to other colleagues from their organizations.

The main objectives of the “Training for Trainers” LTTA were:

  • to test the developed IO 2 – Training Tools;
  • to allow partners to experiment, evaluate and optimize the developed IO2;
  • to allow partners to interact each other and change ideas regarding IO2;
  • to train the persons who will carry out pilot testing and/or facilitate multiplier events.

During the 5 days of training, each module of the Training Tools (IO2) was tested through interactive sessions made by the trainers in front of the other partners representative. All the participants gave feedback (evaluation, improvement ideas, etc.).

Daily work program and agenda

The Training programme (Agenda), addressed to adult education trainers, followed two main roadmaps:

  • the first one concerns new or revised teaching methodologies/approaches, jointly designed by the project partners, tailored on the wellbeing needs of adult trainees and trainers; the methodologies will be firstly tested and piloted on a group of adult trainers;
  • the second one concerns the transfer of particular skills to the adult trainers, not only technical skills related to their professional sphere, but also soft skills, that are considered necessary to facilitate the creation of wellbeing-oriented adult learning environments.

During each of the 5 training days, there were 2 sessions scheduled, morning and afternoon. Each partner leaded the activities implemented during a training whole day, supported by PRISM as IO2 and LTTA Leader, and hosting Partner.